Client Info

What constitutes an emergency?

An emergency is different for every pet owner.  If you are concerned, give us a call!

Things you can check at home that may be a cause for a trip to the ER for your pet:

  1. What is your pet’s attitude?  Are they bright and alert?  Dull and depresesd?  Is your pet nonresponsive?
  2. Is your pet vomiting or trying to vomit?
  3. Does your pet have diarrhea?
  4. Check your pet’s gum color, if they are any color other than bright bubble gum pink, call or come in.  If you notice your pets gums are blue, purple, brick red, or white, your pet should be seen by a veterinarian ASAP.
  5. Check your pet’s rectal temperature. It should be at least 99 but no higher than 102.5.  Any abnormalities may be of concern
  6. Is your pet breathing differently than normal?
  7. Is your pet pacing and cannot get comfortable?
  8. Is your pet bleeding?

If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions and you are not sure if you should come in, please do not hesitate to call.  We are always happy to answer your questions!  Our staff is trained to answer your questions but often a doctor’s exam is needed to really evaluate your pet.

A few Common Household toxicities:

  1. Over the counter pain relievers (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin – in high enough doses)
  2. Chocolate – dark chocolate being the worst
  3. Lilies – these can cause kidney failure in cats
  4. Household medications (prescription)
  5. Recreational drugs (cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines,etc)
  6. Insecticides – if it’s toxic to insects, it could be toxic to your pet!
  7. Raw bread dough – can expand and either cause a blockage or cause your pet’s stomach to dilate and flip (“Bloat” or GDV)
  8. Batteries
  9. Grapes – can cause kidney failure
  10. Moldy food from the garbage – causes tremors and seizures

There are so many other toxicities that we cannot list them all.  If you EVER have a question about whether or not something is toxic, please call our office or your veterinarian if it is during daytime hours.  If our doctors on staff are unable to find out exactly what you should do, we will always refer you to call ASPCA Poison Control – 1-800-548-2423 (Veterinary Toxicologists available 24 hours a day).  There is a fee, however, so be prepared with a credit card!

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6:00 pm-7:30 am


6:00 pm-7:30 am


6:00 pm-7:30 am


6:00 pm-7:30 am


24 hrs


24 hrs